Nov 19, 2011

libGDX backend for SWT (using LWJGL)

Badlogic Games • View topic - Backend for SWT (using LWJGL)

I created a libGDX backend for SWT. I want to use this to create some Eclipse integrated Editors for my custom 2D engine. Hope this will get included in libGDX some day. But first need to finish that upcoming game ...


  1. Hi. One question if I may. Have you been able to get antialilasing working in LWJGL and SWT? Last time I checked it seems SWT´s GLCanvas class was poorly implemented on Windows, hence no multisampling available in that OS.


    1. hi, I didn't test any opengl specific things. Just made it work together with libgdx. Sadly didn't have much time for this project and doesn't look like I will have anytime soon. There are a lot of good usable tools out there which makes this project much less useful to me.

      Also I develop all libgdx related stuff on Ubuntu. So I wouldn't have noticed if antialiasing is missing on windows or not.

      But I'm sure you can write a bug report to the SWT guys. They have been fast to respond and fixed anything I reported so far.
