May 31, 2011

Introducing Ubuntu

Nice promo video ..

May 29, 2011

LAS: Fedora 15 Review

Fedora 15 Review | The Linux Action Show! | Jupiter Broadcasting

great Fedora 15 Review :D ... Got me almost to give it a try and see for myself. But then, probably too much effort needed for that ...

May 14, 2011

Building Aggressively Compatible Android Games

A good talk about compatibility on android. He talks about a lot of good points, even a few I wasn't aware of or didn't now that detailed why it works this or that way.

May 13, 2011

Google launches Chrome OS

Google launches Chrome OS, says Windows is 'torturing users'

"It's (Windows) torturing everyone in this room. It's a flawed model fundamentally. Chromebooks are a new model that doesn't put the burden of managing the computer on yourself." .. very curious where this whole thing is going to. Sounds not too bad but how does it turn out IRL?

May 12, 2011

Facebooks Secret Smear On Google

Facebook Loses Much Face In Secret Smear On Google

Starting to dislike facebook more and more. Such a shame that you can't get around it these days. Somehow it seems to get worse and worse with this company.

May 9, 2011

AMD and coreboot

An Update on coreboot | Business Blog

nice move. AMD getting more and more into opening up their code and actively supporting Open Source development.

May 8, 2011

Why The New Guy Can’t Code

Why The New Guy Can’t Code

Great, almost exactly what I think and what my experience tells me.

The fundamental problem is that the skills required to pass today’s industry-standard software interview are not the skills required to be a good software developer.

and a very good advice that is completely true:
don’t interview anyone who hasn’t accomplished anything. Ever.

For a coder that is the most important thing. I had completed dozens of private code projects as I graduated. And I still consider this very important on any other coder. If you don't write at least some code in your spare time you just never gonna be a good coder. Experience for a coder is the most important thing. People which just graduated and never wrote more than a few small sample applications are worthless need a lot of additional mentoring. And a lot of those inexperienced never really get to a point where you can call them good coders.

The startups I've worked with so far did a fairly good job there. I did apply to a bigger company once and got a email back with something in the direction of 30 questions. That was awful and had a lot of stupid useless stuff in it. I did fill it out and send it back, but my view of the company was way down from before. My motivation to work there was limited after that ..

May 6, 2011

Spielemacher in Berlin

Spielemacher in Berlin - (German)

hmm ... still a lot of money, enthusiasm and risk-taking missing around here.

How To Definitely Fix Skype Audio Distortion

I posted about my (failed) attempt to fix the Skype audio problem I am experiencing on my main machine. A nice commenter posted a link with a working solution. I republish this here so its preserved for all time (or at least till I need it again):

In home directory create a blank file name it .asoundrc, and paste it as follows {
type plug
slave {
# normal ALC883
pcm "hw:0,0"
# skype wants 24 kHz recording input,
# but ALC883 doesn’t support that.
# do a rate conversion on the fly.
rate 48000

Restart Skype!! Solution worked in Ubuntu 10.10

Source: Distortion of sound in Skype 2.2

After a restart this did work fine on my Ubuntu 11.04 with Skype Glad that this is now resolved as it's been an annoying problem.

UPDATE: With the new Skype I do not need this anymore. It even causes problems if its still there. I just deleted the file and now Skype only has some distortion on start. After its started everything sounds like it should.